Well, here it is: a new outlet for horror and metal-related crap which—for various reasons—hasn't come to fruition until now. Mainly because I'm laz... very busy. Yeah, that's right. I have to admit that I'm excited and yet apprehensive about starting this blog. Excited to have a new venue for my thoughts and a new focus (writing is cathartic, you know). Apprehensive because I fear I'll get started here and then fall off-track or lose interest. But regardless of what happens, regardless if anybody reads it or not, it will be a new endeavor, a new journey. And those are (almost) always awesome.
Allow me to tell you a little about my background.
Metal, horror and writing have all been very much a part of my being since my formative years (i.e. high school). A good many hours were spent listening to Metallica or Black Sabbath, doodling and day-dreaming away with a pen in my hand and notebook in my lap (hardly ever used for homework), setting them aside only to eat the occasional bowl of Corn Pops and watch a gory slasher, zombie flick, or some cryptic classic. Of course, I was into horror novels back then also (still am). After high school, semi-trying to gear up for adult life, I determined it was imperative for me to choose a career that I liked. Since I was never studious enough to become a musician or a film student, and I'd tried my luck with writing to somewhat favorable results, I decided I'd start with that as a hobby, and maybe turn it into more than that later on. And it just so happened that there was a local webzine looking for contributors in the heavy metal arena. Bingo!
Skipping all the boring and time-consuming autobiographical blah-blah stuff...
So, while I pursued, attacked, abused, suffocated, abandoned, and ultimately came back to metal journalism, I left my long-loved horror movies and books in the dust. I watched or read them, alright...but I never gave them the attention, the praise, that they deserved. They became like the guy (or girl, depending on your gender and inclination) you made out with in the dark, and then lied about to your friends, because he was so hideous. And that's just mean.
You know, in the movies, if you've wronged someone who died and their ghost comes back to haunt you—or if you just happen to be unlucky enough to be haunted for no good reason—you can put their soul to rest (or at least get them to leave you the hell alone) if you tell their story, or solve their murder, or take their long-burnt cookies out of the oven. That's sort of what I'm hoping to achieve with this blog: take the demon cookies out of the oven, toss them on a plate, and watch, grimacing yet relieved, as Sally Specter chokes them down and is finally appeased. In short, I totally fear retaliation from the Nail Gun Massacre-r if I don't tell that movie's (terrible) story somewhere in my little splice of internet space, and that's completely rational.
So, if you've stumbled onto this little blip, thanks for stopping by. I'm glad to have ya. I can't guarantee it will be worth your while, but I'll try to make it entertaining.
Allow me to tell you a little about my background.
Metal, horror and writing have all been very much a part of my being since my formative years (i.e. high school). A good many hours were spent listening to Metallica or Black Sabbath, doodling and day-dreaming away with a pen in my hand and notebook in my lap (hardly ever used for homework), setting them aside only to eat the occasional bowl of Corn Pops and watch a gory slasher, zombie flick, or some cryptic classic. Of course, I was into horror novels back then also (still am). After high school, semi-trying to gear up for adult life, I determined it was imperative for me to choose a career that I liked. Since I was never studious enough to become a musician or a film student, and I'd tried my luck with writing to somewhat favorable results, I decided I'd start with that as a hobby, and maybe turn it into more than that later on. And it just so happened that there was a local webzine looking for contributors in the heavy metal arena. Bingo!
Skipping all the boring and time-consuming autobiographical blah-blah stuff...
So, while I pursued, attacked, abused, suffocated, abandoned, and ultimately came back to metal journalism, I left my long-loved horror movies and books in the dust. I watched or read them, alright...but I never gave them the attention, the praise, that they deserved. They became like the guy (or girl, depending on your gender and inclination) you made out with in the dark, and then lied about to your friends, because he was so hideous. And that's just mean.
You know, in the movies, if you've wronged someone who died and their ghost comes back to haunt you—or if you just happen to be unlucky enough to be haunted for no good reason—you can put their soul to rest (or at least get them to leave you the hell alone) if you tell their story, or solve their murder, or take their long-burnt cookies out of the oven. That's sort of what I'm hoping to achieve with this blog: take the demon cookies out of the oven, toss them on a plate, and watch, grimacing yet relieved, as Sally Specter chokes them down and is finally appeased. In short, I totally fear retaliation from the Nail Gun Massacre-r if I don't tell that movie's (terrible) story somewhere in my little splice of internet space, and that's completely rational.
So, if you've stumbled onto this little blip, thanks for stopping by. I'm glad to have ya. I can't guarantee it will be worth your while, but I'll try to make it entertaining.
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